Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Summer Thrills

"From the first kick of the football to the final stroke in the art session, every moment at the camp is a treasure chest of excitement."

Dipsites from classes I-VIII, with oodles of energy, high spirits, and exhilaration were ready to dive into the venture filled with endless opportunities for fun, learning, and personal growth. For many kids and teens, the excitement began long before they even arrived. The school campus's vibrant energy, the teachers' cheerful greetings, and the sight of their friends created an immediate sense of belonging. The camp activities from May 30 - June 8, provided an ideal environment for kids and teens to explore new hobbies, develop skills, and forge lasting friendships.

The sporty champs kicked off their day with a burst of energy on the sprawling football fields. Whether the player was an aspiring pro or a complete beginner, the coach was there to guide them rightly.  The ones with scintillating feet truly Felt the rhythm and expressed it gracefully during the Cha-Cha dance and contemporary dance sessions. Daily dance-offs and performances gave them a chance to showcase their newfound skills. Stepping into the enchanting world of Gond art, a traditional form of Indian painting known for its intricate patterns and vibrant colors, was a visual treat and the right channel to project and express artistic skills. The instrumental keyboard classes offered campers a chance to delve into the world of music. These sessions were tailored to suit different skill levels, from novices to advanced players. ‘Fun with Codes’ included engaging and interactive sessions with hands-on activities, games, and projects that demonstrated the practical applications of coding.  

For every camper, summer camp was not just an activity; it was an adventure that left a lasting impact on their hearts and minds. Here's a glimpse of the unique thrills and experiences that made participating in the summer camp activities an unforgettable experience.

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