Delhi Public School Vapi

Under the aegis of DPS Society New Delhi. (CBSE Affiln. No.430556)

Nature’s Symphony; The Monsoon Assembly

"Monsoon whispers to the earth, telling it to bloom and grow, painting the world in shades of green and life."

Monsoon time is a fun time for kids! What fun it is for them to watch the rains from the windows, observe the brightly coloured fresh grass, flowers and trees, to feel the cool breeze and enjoy a lot of splish, splash and sploosh in the puddles! And not to forget, the beautiful, magical rainbows in the sky!

The school assembly on the theme ‘Nature’s Symphony; Monsoon’ was presented by the DIPSITES of Classes II A and Nur B on July 10, 2024. The assembly aimed to celebrate and explore the beauty and significance of the monsoon season. The assembly began with a soulful morning prayer. The performers presented heartfelt poems, melodious songs and speeches, capturing the essence of monsoon’s beauty, its impact on nature, and the emotions it evokes. The stage came alive with a captivating picture talk and the theatrical act. The cherubs danced with the happy hearts and energetic feet leaving the audience swaying on the beats of music making the picture perfect moment for all.

Happy and safe monsoon!


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